R Basics

Data Science Salon - Session 2

Sara Colom

October 25, 2023


  • Coding basics
  • Data types
  • Interacting with data (Getting started with Data)

Chapter 3: Workflow basics
Chapter 4: Interacting with Data

R for Data Science (via Hadley Wickham)

Coding basics

  • R can be used to do basic math calculations
    • Basic arithmetic on vectors is applied to every element of the vector.
  • In R, new objects can be created with the assignment operator <-
    • RStudio’s keyboard shortcut: Alt + - (the minus sign) to save time.


Comments are important and used mainly as a brief description for what the following code does.

  • R will ignore text after a # in that line, but the text can still be read by users
  • Some short code is self explanatory and does not require any description
  • Best practice is to explain why code was written rather explaining every single line
    • Code will often get updated, and it can be tedious to update every single comment

Comments (example)

# Create a vector of even numbers between 1 and 10
even <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

What’s in the name

  • Object names must start with a letter and can only contain letters, numbers, and _ and .
    • It’s not good practice to use . in variable/file names, however – this leads to buggy programming across platforms
  • Object names should be brief and descriptive–it is best to adopt a convention for multiple words, such as snake_case
    • snake_case is where you separate lowercase words with *_*
  • In R objects can be overwritten over and over

What’s in the name

# snake_case

# overwrite object x
x <- 1
x <- 2

What’s in the name

  • R is character and case sensitive, common error is when an object is not found due to a typo


x <- 1
#> Error: object 'X' not found

Calling functions

R has a large collection of built-in functions that work like this:

function_name(argument1 = value1, arguement2 = value2, ...)

Calling functions

  • For example, head is a base R function that prints a few rows of data,
    • has two arguments one x where it is expecting a data set as input and a optional second argument n where it is expecting an integer value as input to specify the number of row(s) to print
    • The output displays the first 6 rows of the input data as default

Calling functions

head(x = iris, n = 10)

Calling functions

  • You can specify the input values explicitly, e.g., x = value, or list the input(s) in the order the function expects each argument, e.g., head(data, 5)
  • You can learn more about what a function does by typing ? before the function name in the console

Calling functions

head(iris, 10)

Calling functions

R studio version 4.1+ now support the use of piping with |>, essentially this allows you to feed anything on the left side of the |> to a function on the right side, making code more efficient by removing the need to wrap functions within functions or make intermediate variables.

iris |>

R packages

According to google, the Comprehensive R Archive Network aka CRAN now has 20,004 available packages. Expanding R’s functionality and allowing you to do many things including, but not limited to:

  • Building custom data visualizations and dashboards
  • Explore, manipulate, and perform calculations on datasets
  • Perform data experiments
  • Perform machine learning etc.

Installing/Using packages

  • You can easily install packages with the install.packages() function from base R–which install packages from CRAN
    • however developmental version of packages are often readily available and can be installed in Git
    • To intsall packages from Git you will need to use functions from the devtools package

Installation example


Loading libraries

  • Libraries are not automatically loaded into your R environment (by default)
  • You need to use library() function to load them in one by one

Data types

In R there are 4 main data types:

  • integer int
  • character chr
  • factor fct
  • numeric num
  • list is a combination of the above (we will cover another day)

Data types

  • In R, both character and factor data types are specified in quotes, whereas integer data and numeric data are specified without quotes.
  • Mathematical operations can only be performed on integer or numeric data.
  • Character data is typically used to store text like features, whereas factor data is intended to have some kind of leveling structure, e.g., Species variable in the iris data

Data types

  • When you read data into R, R naively tries to assign each variable a data type
  • Unless otherwise specified, R will usually assign any variable with special characters and/or text to type chr
  • Evaluating the data types of your variables after reading it in can help identify potential issues with the data

Data types

