Variable Description Data Source Original Geographic Unit Creator Target
coc_number CoC number CoC Shapefiles CoC coc_categories
coc_name CoC name CoC Shapefiles CoC coc_categories
coc_category CoC urban/rural categorization CoC Shapefiles CoC coc_categories
year Year CoC Shapefiles pit_rates
overall_homeless Count of all unhoused people in the CoC HUD PiT Counts CoC pit_rates
homeless_rate_total_pop Share of total CoC population that is unhoused HUD PiT Counts & ACS CoC & County pit_rates
homeless_rate_in_poverty Total unhoused count divided by population below poverty line HUD PiT Counts & ACS CoC & County pit_rates
homeless_per_1000_total_pop Number of unhoused people per 1,000 people in the overall population HUD PiT Counts & ACS CoC & County pit_rates
homeless_per_1000_in_poverty Number of unhoused people per 1,000 people below the poverty line HUD PiT Counts & ACS CoC & County pit_rates
coc_pop CoC total population ACS Census Tract coc_populations
coc_poverty_pop CoC population below poverty line ACS Census Tract coc_populations
coc_poverty_rate Share of CoC population below poverty line ACS Census Tract coc_populations
avg_renter_share Share of CoC households that are renters ACS County coc_renter_shares
avg_fmr0 CoC average 0-bedroom FMR HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
avg_fmr1 CoC average 1-bedroom FMR HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
avg_fmr2 CoC average 2-bedroom FMR HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
avg_fmr3 CoC average 3-bedroom FMR HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
avg_fmr4 CoC average 4-bedroom FMR HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
pct_coc_na_fmr Share of CoC population in region without FMRs HUD FMR County/County Subdivision coc_fmr
coc_rent_zillow Annual average Zillow rent index, NA for CoC with no zip codes covered by the Zillow rent index Zillow Rent Index Zip Code coc_zillow_rent
coc_share_na_rent_zillow Share of the CoC’s population in zip codes not covered by the Zillow rent index Zillow Rent Index Zip Code coc_zillow_rent
share_rent_over_30_pct_inc Share of renter households paying more than 30 percent of their income in rent ACS Census Tract coc_rent_burdened_share
share_rent_over_50_pct_inc Share of renter households paying more than 50 percent of their income in rent ACS Census Tract coc_rent_burdened_share
median_rent_burden Median rent share of income in the CoC ACS Census Tract coc_rent_burdened_share
gross_vacancy_rate Share of all housing units that are unoccupied ACS Census Tract coc_rental_vacancy_rate
rental_vacancy_rate Share of rental housing units not rented ACS Census Tract coc_rental_vacancy_rate
coc_unemployment_rate Average January unemployment rate BLS LAUS County coc_unemployment_rate
share_na_coc_unemployment_rate Share of CoC population with missing unemployment rate BLS LAUS County coc_unemployment_rate
shr_hh_with_snap Share of households receiving SNAP benefits ACS Census Tract coc_public_program_use
shr_hh_with_pub_assist Share of households receiving public assistance benefits ACS Census Tract coc_public_program_use
shr_hh_with_snap_or_pub_assist Share of households receiving SNAP or public assistance benefits ACS Census Tract coc_public_program_use
shr_hh_with_ssi Share of households receiving SSI benefits ACS Census Tract coc_public_program_use
shr_with_medicaid Share of individuals age 19-64 enrolled in Medicaid ACS Census Tract coc_public_program_use
eviction_filings Number of eviction court cases filed Eviction Lab County coc_evictions
evictions Number of evictions Eviction Lab County coc_evictions
eviction_filing_rate Eviction court cases / renting households Eviction Lab County coc_evictions
eviction_rate Evictions / renting households Eviction Lab County coc_evictions
household_income Average median household income ACS County coc_income
family_income Average median family income ACS County coc_income
individual_earnings Average median invididual earnings ACS County coc_income