Calculate homelessness rates by CoC

build_pit_rates(pit_data, coc_populations)



A data frame with PiT counts in long form from get_long_pit_data().


A data frame with CoC overall populations and populations in poverty from build_coc_populations().


A data frame with homelessness counts and rates:

  • coc_number: CoC number (character)

  • year: Year (numeric)

  • overall_homeless: Count of all unhoused people in the CoC (numeric)

  • homeless_rate_total_pop: Share of total CoC population that is unhoused (numeric)

  • homeless_rate_in_poverty: Total unhoused count divided by population below poverty line (numeric)

  • homeless_per_1000_total_pop: Number of unhoused people per 1,000 people in the overall population (numeric)

  • homeless_per_1000_in_poverty: Number of unhoused people per 1,000 people below the poverty line (numeric)