The census tract level index is created by taking a weighted average of the original zip code level Zillow rent index for the zip codes in each census tract. The weights are the share of the census tract's residences that are in each zip code. That data comes from the USPS census tract to zip code crosswalk.

build_tract_zillow_rent(rent_data, tract_to_zip)



A data frame with processed zip code level Zillow rent index data created by process_zillow_data()


A data frame with a processed USPS census tract to zip code crosswalk created by process_tract_to_zip().


A data frame with the census tract level Zillow rent index.

  • tract_fips: census tract FIPS code (character)

  • year: year (integer)

  • tract_annual_mean_rent: annual average Zillow rent index, NA for tracts with no zip codes covered by the Zillow rent index (numeric)

  • tract_share_na_rent: share of the tract's residence in zip codes not covered by the Zillow rent index (numeric)

See also

process_zillow_data() for processing the raw Zillow rent index, process_tract_to_zip() for processing the census tract to zip code crosswalk, build_coc_zillow_rent() for creating the CoC level Zillow rent index